Thursday, February 7, 2019

Take the Q1 2019 Small Business Energy Survey and Gain a Competitive Advantage

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Take the Q1 2019 Small Business Energy Survey and Gain a Competitive Advantage

Did you know saving energy can be a competitive advantage for your business?

Compare this to better quality products or lower prices. Saving energy helps you compete. How? Spending less gives you an advantage over your competitors. And knowing the best places to save becomes a way to compete.

How can you learn more about saving energy in your business? We’re glad you asked.

Constellation Energy wants data from as many small businesses as possible. How to you save money on energy? What strategies do you use to lower energy costs?

Small Business Trends has teamed with Constellation to help answer these questions. Take a look at the Q4 2018 Small Business Energy survey results first. Then take the three minute Q1 2019 Small Business Energy Survey about energy saving strategies in your business.

Click below to begin:

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This Time We’re Giving Away Five Amazon Gifts Cards, Not Just One

Consider another reason to take part in the Q1 2019 Small Business Energy Survey. Last time we gave away a $100 Amazon gift card. This time we’ll give away five!

How Does This Energy Survey Differ?

Your small business keeps you busy. Why tear yourself away to take part in another survey? For that matter, why take time to study another study?

Consider this first. Most other surveys originate from membership organizations. And they draw data only from that group. Small Business Trends and Constellation Energy decided to take a different approach.

The current survey polls a much broader cross section of small businesses. You’ll see results from small businesses across many industries. Data also comes from across the country. And you’ll find data from small businesses using many different energy providers too. So you can benchmark data from a wide range of companies. And you’ll get some great ideas for saving energy too.

Q1 2019 Small Business Energy Survey

Check out the benefits of participating in this first-of-its-kind small business survey.

You’ll gain access to data from hundreds of small businesses just like yours. Learn what energy saving strategies worked best for them.

Results of the new survey go live in April 2019. Deadline for entries is February 22, 2019.

Look at the new survey results once they go live. They’ll show you how your small business compares with others in energy use. You’ll find new ideas by seeing what other businesses are doing. You may even discover new ways to save energy in your business.

It’s About More Than Turning Down the Thermostat

Don’t stop at turning down the heat a few degrees or adding some energy efficient lighting. You can do so much more.

For example, look for ways to make your business process more efficient. Use less materials when creating your products. Use fewer resources when delivering your services. Or just look for a new energy provider.

The new survey will offer inspiration to save in ways you haven’t considered

Help Collect the Data Small Businesses Need

Do this by taking the few minutes to answer the questions in our Q1 2019 Small Business Energy Survey. Constellation Energy sponsored the post along with Small Business Trends.

Learn more about how to save energy in your small business. And enter for your chance to win one of 5 Amazon Gift Cards just for participating.

Click below to begin:

Start Here


This article, "Take the Q1 2019 Small Business Energy Survey and Gain a Competitive Advantage" was first published on Small Business Trends

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