Saturday, January 26, 2019

10 Small Steps You Can Take to Make a Big Impact on Your Business in 2019

Not every step you take to move your business forward will be a big one. But sometimes, even small steps can make a large impact on your future. Here are some recent tips and insights from members of the online small business community about big and small steps you can take to really make an impact on your business.

Take Business Startup Deductions for 2018

As tax season rolls around, it’s important to consider all potential deductions for your small business. Your bottom line could really benefit from finding little known opportunities. Check out this CorpNet post from Nellie Akalp to learn more about what deductions you may qualify for.

Involve Your Employees in Process Design

As you create processes for your small business, it’s important to involve the people in your company who will be implementing and using those processes every day. For ideas on how to involve your team in the design of your processes, check out this Process Street post by Alex Gallia.

Make a Difference with These Inspirational Ideas

Most entrepreneurs aren’t only concerned with the bottom line – you also want to create a difference in the lives of your customers and communities. In this Inspire to Thrive Post, Lisa Sicard details some inspirational ideas that could help you make a real difference with your business. The BizSugar community discussed the post further here.

Learn to Use WordPress Themes

Your website is one of the most important assets your small business has. And WordPress is the most popular tool available for customizing your site. WordPress themes make customization easy. If you’re not sure how to use them, here’s a guide from Mike Allton of Blogging Brute.

Energize Your Business with Startup Intangibles

It takes more than just a plan and some capital to make a small business work. Successful entrepreneurs tend to bring some intangible qualities to the table. Martin Zwilling discusses some of them in this post on the Startup Professionals Musings blog.

Complete Projects Successfully

You’ll likely have to work on plenty of projects throughout your time as an entrepreneur, both big and small. To complete those projects successfully, it helps to learn how other business owners get things done. Jen McFarland offers some valuable insights in this post.

Use These Sales Intelligence Tools for Prospecting

In order to optimize your sales process, you need access to insights about your prospects and the contact that they’ve had with your business. There are plenty of tools available to help you gain and easily access this type of information. Ivan Widjaya shares a list in this Noobpreneur post.

Publish Blog Posts More Often

If you use a blog to market your business or communicate with customers, data has shown that you can make a greater impact by publishing content more often. See more specifics in this Pixel Productions post by Laura Moore. Then check out what BizSugar members had to say about the idea here.

Set Up a Merchant Account

For businesses that accept payments internationally, it could be beneficial to have a merchant account in select parts of the world to facilitate easy payments and finance management. In this post on, Ramon Ray discusses some of the top benefits of this move for small businesses.

Focus on What Matters for SEO Success

For years, many businesses have relied on quick content strategies and website tricks to improve their search rankings. But SEO in 2019 requires quality and the human element. This Search Engine Land post by Chris Sherman includes a discussion about the state of SEO and has some important tips for business owners.

If you’d like to suggest your favorite small business content to be considered for an upcoming community roundup, please send your news tips to:

Image: Shutterstock

This article, "10 Small Steps You Can Take to Make a Big Impact on Your Business in 2019" was first published on Small Business Trends

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